
The Gospel of Matthew: The King and His Kingdom, (Matthew 1–17), Volume 1: An Expositional Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Gospel of Matthew, said James Montgomery Boice, is “the first of the Gospels, the longest, the most Jewish, the most evangelistic, and, in many was, the most compelling.” This two-volume expositional and inspirational commentary on the Book of Matthew integrates rigorous scholarship and clear communication. It will inform and help a wide range of readers—from serious Bible students to...

2. “Blessed are those who mourn” (v. 4). Mourn for what? If the first beatitude has to do with spiritual poverty and the hopeless state of a human being before God apart from grace, the second must refer to mourning for sin. And if that is correct, then the comfort promised is the comfort of the gospel. “Comfort, comfort my people,” wrote Isaiah. Why? Because “her sin has been paid for,” the prophet answers (Isa. 40:2). That is the only true, effective, and lasting comfort for anyone, and it is just
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